Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Emma, Happy Birthday to you

JAN 8 22lbs MY Big day
Sunny Sunny Sunny at Hawaii with Mommy, Daddy, Granddaddad and Grandmama, Aunties and Cousin gor gor

Happy Birthday to Lovely Emma

La la la wa wa nu...yes..I am singing (hey, our dearest Emma loves singing).

Today is my one year old birthday. One year ago, Tuesday, I arrived to Lo's family. That day was Mommy's big day and Daddy's big day. Mommy delivered me within an hour.... I actually ran fast to meet her and Daddy. I arrived safe. They are super. I love to be their daughter.

I received (still receiving) many presents...very happy to be a baby in this world...La La nu nu la lal la (mmm..Emma is singing again!!!) Grandmama bought me many coats from Canada. Rose EE and Mandy EE gave me a very pretty pink swimsuit and pink sandals that I could wear in Hawaii now. Bo EE got me a "one-year old celebration" photo book (my own cool).....and many many many la...

La la nu nu ne wa wa, dee dee la la la la, su bu bu ar ar ar...Happy Birthday to me, YEAH!!!

check...I grow fast

Emma is so special....standing out!!

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