Thursday, December 25, 2008

Joy to Emma's Home

Dec 25 2008 Merry Christmas!

Emma sings a song to everyone she loves
wa wa wa! wa wa wa! la la la la la! wa wa wa! la la la! da da da da da! hey!

( should be Jingle bell)

Hello, this is my first Christmas. I am staying at our big big bed and warm warm home with Dad and Mom now.

I wish all aunties, uncles, Dukdukgorgor and tse tse all are young and beautiful. I wish my friends kam kam, Oscar, ling ling, big ma and small ma, gor gor and all babies all are healthy. I wish Mommy not wearing mask at home anymore and I could see her pretty face all the time. I wish Daddy healthy and earn a lot of milk and porridge to me. I wish Por Por and Kung Kung are happy and I could see them soon in Hawaii. I wish YeahYeah healthy and run fast that he could play with me at the park. I wish Joy to the world, peace to the earth, healthy to all babies, happy to all neighbours, pretty to all ladies.......oooooo...zZZZ (forgive her..she is still a baby!)

World peace as Future Miss Universal Emma Lo

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hot Hot Emma

Dec 9 First Cold Week in Winter

I have six teeth and am getting stronger and stronger now. Recently, the temperature is dropped a lot. Mommy always worries that I dress less and said my fingers and feet are cold. She pushes me to wear socks at home. But, I am not cold. So, in order to better use the socks, I determine to take it off and chew it rather than to wear it. Hee hee hee...Mommy is not happy. I heard that she is going to get the tight for me that I could not take it off easily.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Walk Walk Emma

Nov 18 a bit cool

Yoga Guru Emma
Sorry that long time not update my blog. It is because I am busy. Yes! I am busy. I am a busy baby. I am busy on learning how to walk. I could walk now but I need to hold something, like buddy sofa or mommy's hand.

I decide to walk without holding a thing soon. So, I practice more and do some baby yoga to strengthen my leg muscle. Check! my post is just like Almen. I would have a model figure very soon. hee hee hee.....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dance Dance Emma

Autumn Breeze Sunny and Happy as usual

Last Tuesday, Mommy and I brought Daddy to beach and to celebrate his birthday. I picked my favorite bib " I love Daddy" and matched with my favorite pink pink one-piece dress. I presented a ballet dance to him which I practiced for days. But, both Mommy and Daddy did not aware my ballet steps.....
Then, I practiced more. In Oct 16, Thursday, I could stand without holding things. You see, I am a strong-minded baby.
Today, I have 4 teeth. I could sing and dance. I could sit and stand well. I could bite Mommy and eat solid food. mmm.....I think I could drive soon. Mommy said she would bring a car home soon, right, Daddy? ar?
Link to Daddy's birthday party

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Daddy

Oct 13 going to Oct 14 2008

Happy Happy Emma and Happy Happy Daddy

Tomorrow is Daddy's birthday, his 1st birthday celebrating with me. Ha Ha Ha...I will bring him to Ocean Park. I will give him a bottle of milk tonight. Let him sleep well and sweet tonight. He then would have energy to play with me all day long.

mmm...yes..I need to give one bottle to mommy too. She needs to take care of me and Daddy. She would need more energy than us.

let me sing a song to Daddy
Di ni du lu ba ba ba
la la la la du du du bu

happy happy daddaddy
Emma emma loves daddy

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dirty Cat Emma

Dirty dirty happy happy

You'd better ask Big Brother Aramis Duk Duk. He came to visit me and helped to feed me. Then, I turned out to be a Green Porridge Monster Emma. Actually, green porridge is very yummy. It is not so terrible. I finish all everytime.


oh, Duk Duk is not Big Brother Aramis' last name. He insists me to call him Big Brother Aramis. Aunite Sandy and Mommy insist me to call him Aramis Duk Duk. I decide to call him Big Brother Aramis Duk Duk. Everyone happy then, right? I would tell Ling Ling, Oscar and Kam Kam about this smart decision. Yes!

Dirty Cat Emma True story Link, pls click

Monday, September 29, 2008

Chew Chew Emma

Sept 29 2008 Moody and Sunny
Oops...another tooth is coming, is at the top this time. I have two at the bottom now. It drives me crazy and moody today. I need to chew chew chew somthing. I would chew Mommy's arm tonight, chew Auntie Marietta's finger, chew rounddumpdump, greenlulu, orangekamkam........

Beware! Emma is chewing orange kam kam.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sing Sing Emma

Sept 24 2008
Happy, Daddy at home, no plane during typhoon 8 last night

I have suuuuper good mood today. Let me sing a song to you!
la la la la bu bu bu
di ni do nu ba ba ba
si ni su nu ma ma ma
mamamama daddy s home

Let's sing a song** Mic ready, Light?

la la la la bu bu bu di ni do nu ba ba ba si ni su nu ma ma mamamamama daddy s home ***********

finish, good?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

S Y Emma

Sept 23 2008 Typhoon 8 warm and safe at home

我識中文!我不是English Speaking Baby 呀!媽咪有教我中文!
我叫盧思汝, Initial is S .Y. 。 通常D律師或者醫生都用這個Initial ,即係 S. Y Lo Solicitor or Dr S. Y. Lo; MSN 都有好多人會用, 例如 C Y Soon la!
Hee Hee, Mommy and Daddy say they just want me to be a Happy and Healthy person. Yes, I am now, and always will.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Run Run Emma

Sept 22 2008 Happy and Sunny

Check....I'm the fastest baby in my family, mmmm...although my family just has one baby now.

Mommy and Daddy, please give me one brother and one sister, I would train them up, I promise.

on your mark...get set..

Go...hee hee..quick quick go go

quick quick...

quick quick like a ducky duckling...

Win! Yeshh!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Kiss Kiss Emma

Sept 19 2008 Very happy, Mommy @ home, Cloudy

Today, Mommy is staying at home with me for WHOLE day. I show her how to play "Kiss Kiss Emma" with the mirror. She is very happy. She does not know how to do the trick but I know well. Mommy is not as smart as I am.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

1st day Love Love Emma

Sept 18 2008 happy with sunshine and shower

Hello, I am Emma. I just learnt how to stand few weeks ago. Today, I create my own blog....hee hee hee, welcome to my loveloveemma blog.