Thursday, December 25, 2008

Joy to Emma's Home

Dec 25 2008 Merry Christmas!

Emma sings a song to everyone she loves
wa wa wa! wa wa wa! la la la la la! wa wa wa! la la la! da da da da da! hey!

( should be Jingle bell)

Hello, this is my first Christmas. I am staying at our big big bed and warm warm home with Dad and Mom now.

I wish all aunties, uncles, Dukdukgorgor and tse tse all are young and beautiful. I wish my friends kam kam, Oscar, ling ling, big ma and small ma, gor gor and all babies all are healthy. I wish Mommy not wearing mask at home anymore and I could see her pretty face all the time. I wish Daddy healthy and earn a lot of milk and porridge to me. I wish Por Por and Kung Kung are happy and I could see them soon in Hawaii. I wish YeahYeah healthy and run fast that he could play with me at the park. I wish Joy to the world, peace to the earth, healthy to all babies, happy to all neighbours, pretty to all ladies.......oooooo...zZZZ (forgive her..she is still a baby!)

World peace as Future Miss Universal Emma Lo

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hot Hot Emma

Dec 9 First Cold Week in Winter

I have six teeth and am getting stronger and stronger now. Recently, the temperature is dropped a lot. Mommy always worries that I dress less and said my fingers and feet are cold. She pushes me to wear socks at home. But, I am not cold. So, in order to better use the socks, I determine to take it off and chew it rather than to wear it. Hee hee hee...Mommy is not happy. I heard that she is going to get the tight for me that I could not take it off easily.....